

Use Notion's Mention block to mention any link and preview its content on your website with Nonex, rendering exactly like Notion mentions. Supported mentions include Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, CodePen, Google Maps, and default links.

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Mention Block in NoNex

In Notion, the Mention block allows you to mention any link, providing a preview with the link icon, host, and title. This block is an inline element, and NoNex renders these mentions exactly as they appear in Notion, directly on your website.

Supported Mentions in NoNex

1. Tweet Mention

On a Tweet mention, the preview will display a Tweet card.

logoNotionNotion on Twitter / X

2. YouTube Video Mention

For a YouTube mention, the preview will show the YouTube video directly.

logoPal MalANDRE GAGNON - With a Soul (Collection)

3. Spotify Mention

When mentioning a Spotify link, the preview will display the Spotify embed, showing the song or playlist preview.

logoSpotifyGlimpse of Us

4. CodePen Mention

Mentioning a CodePen link will show a preview of the embedded CodePen project.

logoThea3D wave animation

5. Google Map Mention

A Google Map mention displays a preview of the embedded map. If a Google Maps API key is available, the map preview will be shown. Otherwise, a default preview will be displayed, including the location's name, description, icon, and thumbnail.

logoGoogle MapsDaegu · Daegu, South Korea

For any other link, the preview will show the host, title, icon, description, thumbnail, and URL.

logoNotionYour connected workspace for wiki, docs & projects | Notion

logoNoNexNoNex (Notion + Next.js)

This guide provides an overview of how the Mention block in Notion works with Nonex, enabling seamless integration and previews of various types of content directly on your website.