
Notion Theme Based Blog Website Template


Future rich blog site based on Notion inspired UI and UX

Blogging Site
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What You Will Get !

A beautifully designed Blogging Website: Build with top technologies, including all website optimalizations

Website features

1. Stunning design ( Inspired by Notion design )

2. Complete SEO optimization ( it’s done automatically )

3. Each page & Each blog has it’s Dynamically generated Open Graph, and metatags.

4. Each Blog Page has Google JSON LD ( for better ranking , finding on google )

5. Super Fast Loading Time

6. 100% Google Light House Score

7. All Notion Blocks Supported ( What you See on notion Exactly rendered on your Site )

8. Dark & light Mode Button

9. Includes Image Optimization for better website performance


Notion Database look (that you will have in your notion)


it’s very plain and beautiful userfriedl;y,

we will add this on your notion account , and you are ready to go to generate beautful content

Tech Stack

Next.js , ( React.js)

Website Template Features

Cards look will exactly look like what you see on your notion database Gallary View

Blog page ( Exact Notion page look )

Blog page will exactly look like your Database Notion page.

Blocks ( exact Notion Blocks )

Blocks will exactly look like Notion blocks , with propert sementics and clean structure

all blocsk supported, see the block support here on this page by you

Dark and Light Mode

Switch for dark and light mode without any white flickering when loading

automatically save your prefercenc when you load next time

on first load changed theme according to your device theme

SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )

website icons optimiztions



Dynamic generation of metadata

you don’t need to do anything extra, just use good title and good summary in you database pages

Json Ld

by google


dynamically generated opengraphs for each blog , path, just add thumbain in your notion database

Twiitter Images for blogs

Autmotica Generateion of Sitemap

Image Optimizations

with sharp, nexxt js image tag

with next js link for super fast loading times , and caching

optimized Google Analytics ( only for Advacend, premium packages )

Additional future

Scroll to Top , Button

Used by

NoNex Main website

Sujal’s Code Blog website


this Template is Created by Sujal Vanjare